? 12% of every transaction is redistributed to holders in Binance pegged BUSD, which is automatically paid every 60 Minutes.
? 2% of every transaction is transferred into Liquidity Pool for Pancakeswap to create a stable price floor.
? 10% of every transaction is transferred into Smart Contract for strategic BuyBack reserve.
? 1% DPR is collected from every transaction, converted to BNB & stored in our contract.
? 1% of every transaction is sent to the marketing wallet to fund marketing, utility development and community management.
? DPR can be sold on the 60th Month from the date of purchase by the Eligible Holders*, whereas the rewards may be withdrawn as BNB from the
10th Month onwards.
? As soon as somebody has bought DPR automatically the above giveaways are credited to the concerned account heads, which will be visible to
all the DPR Holders.