الترتيب #13,263

Post Traumatic Solana Disorder

Meme Token ● أطلقت منذ 5 أشهر


PTSD: Post Traumatic Solana Disorder

UPDATE: Turns out, Dutch Fabian (takeover dev) wasn't playing fair — he sneakily moved over 10% of the token shares to himself in the old contract, totally duping the team and our community. And guess what? He dumped them just as the market cap was picking up steam, decimating our trust and the project’s potential. But here’s the twist: We’ve given Dutch the boot and are hitting the refresh button on the project! We’ve successfully removed his shares and, even better, we've drummed up more startup capital than before. We're also teaming up with some fantastic influencers to boost our visibility.

Stay tuned, because we’re committed to full transparency this time around, building a robust and vibrant new $PTSD. Also, keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming airdrop — we will be sharing the love with you all very soon! /END UPDATE

"PTSD: Post Traumatic Solana Disorder" is the comeback kid of crypto projects, designed for those who've been burned by bad token investments. It's our tongue-in-cheek nod to the wild ride of cryptocurrency ups and downs. Originally aimed at supporting the financially heartbroken, PTSD itself took a hit when our devs left us in the lurch. But, like a phoenix from the crypto ashes, our community stepped up, seizing the reins to rebuild stronger and smarter. This project is for anyone who's ever been rugged, offering a blend of humor and hard-earned wisdom as we navigate the crypto rollercoaster together. Join us in turning setbacks into comebacks, one block at a time.

ترتيب السوق

في المشهد المتغير والديناميكي للعملات المشفرة، أثبتت Post Traumatic Solana Disorder نفسها كلاعب قوي. حاليًا، تحتل المرتبة #26,752 في سوق العملات المشفرة بناءً على رأس المال السوقي. يعكس هذا التصنيف الثقة والاعتماد التي يضعها السوق في Post Traumatic Solana Disorder كأصل رقمي قابل للتداول.

دعم المحفظة

لتخزين رموز Post Traumatic Solana Disorder الخاصة بك بأمان، يمكنك استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من المحافظ مثل Phantom, Sollet, Solflare, Ledger. تقدم هذه المحافظ بيئة آمنة لإدارة وتخزين أصولك الرقمية. من الأساسي اختيار محفظة تدعم العملة المشفرة المحددة وتوفر مستوى عالٍ من الأمان، سهولة الاستخدام، والتوافق مع الأجهزة التي تفضلها.



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