Native token for Peacedefi ? Yield Farm & AMM on Binance Smart Chain
Token Info
Name: PEACE Token
Symbol: PEACE
Chain: Binance Smart Chain #BSC
Contract: 0xF4F7F1a94A91077F731A3EFA5f5AfAb8bfF081C1
Supply: Unlimited
Emission Rate
Initial emission rate: 0.8 PEACE/Block
Minimum emission rate: 0.1 PEACE/Block
Deposit Fee Distribution:
1.0% for potential buy-back of $PEACE
1.5% for marketing
1.5% for further development, including applying for Audits, improving website and user experience and facilitating community requests
Note: The development wallet will receive 9% of the emission rate. At least 85% of this will be burned to help sustain $PEACE price, while the remaining will be used to facilitate partnerships and to engage community teams and influencers.