الترتيب #22,801

NKT Coin

Technology ● أطلقت منذ -

لا يوجد بيع مسبق أو إطلاق عادل

العملة ليس لديها بيع مسبق أو إطلاق عادل مخطط له.


NKI is the product of the combination of NFT games and social networking sites. It relies on a large SNS network community. The game operation is simple and emphasizes the interaction between friends. It will become the fastest-growing category in the NFT game market in the future and has excellent market vitality. Unlike traditional large-scale online games, NKI is based on Web 3.0 technology and relies on the open platform interface (open API) provided by SNS. It belongs to the DAPP based on the browser kernel and the combination of games and anonymous friends. At present, flash is widely used as the graphics player in the online social game client, and most of the game logic is completed on the server. The server-side includes connection server, game server, global message server, database server, etc. Due to a large amount of logic processed by the server, and social games have the characteristics of supporting multiple social platforms, a large number of users, and high concurrent access when many players are online. At the same time, to ensure the game's speed, the server needs to support high concurrency, high load and requires the ability to respond quickly. First, think about using the database to do. Regardless of what kind of database (MS-SQL, Oracle, Postgres, mys, QL inno dB or others) is used for the time being, the implementation of transactions (acid, atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability) requires much overhead, especially when the hard disk is used, which means that the query may be blocked. When using a database that does not contain transactions (MySQL my ISAM), the above overhead does not exist, but the write thread may block the read thread. Therefore, we must find a solution that never blocks.
Then think about using shared memory. The s

ترتيب السوق

في المشهد المتغير والديناميكي للعملات المشفرة، أثبتت NKT Coin نفسها كلاعب قوي. حاليًا، تحتل المرتبة #20,504 في سوق العملات المشفرة بناءً على رأس المال السوقي. يعكس هذا التصنيف الثقة والاعتماد التي يضعها السوق في NKT Coin كأصل رقمي قابل للتداول.

دعم المحفظة

لتخزين رموز NKT Coin الخاصة بك بأمان، يمكنك استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من المحافظ مثل Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. تقدم هذه المحافظ بيئة آمنة لإدارة وتخزين أصولك الرقمية. من الأساسي اختيار محفظة تدعم العملة المشفرة المحددة وتوفر مستوى عالٍ من الأمان، سهولة الاستخدام، والتوافق مع الأجهزة التي تفضلها.



السعر$ 0.00
رأس المال السوقي$ 0
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تاريخ الإضافةSeptember 22nd 2021, 05:38
مدرج بواسطةGOERGEGU

اكتشف العملات الجديدة
