الترتيب #8,125


Staking ● أطلقت منذ 25 أشهر
Binance Smart Chain


Dino Team officially launched their first ever BUSD mining platform in DeFi space in June 2022
which ended in August 2022. Over $ 700K+ was invested and generated a roughly three times
profit for investor. First ever DeFi space platform completely supported by the revenue
generating business model contributing roughly 30% to the mining platform. Though the project
ended with loss to some investors and Dino Team decided to reimburse the losses to the investor
up-to maximum they can. Over $168K+ was reimbursed to over 700+ investors ? first ever such
move in DeFi eco-system changing the whole perception about Dino Team and setting a
benchmark for everyone else. Considering the numerous factors of failure Dino Team decided
the come back stronger with a new project with all the safeguard in place to protect the investors.
Dino V2 is all about Dino Token and a sustainable mining platform.
Investors would have to buy their tokens from Dino Exchange (listed on same website) and stake
those tokens in mining platform. No one will be allowed to do the direct sale and purchase for
now and rather staking has been made must for everyone to get their returns but in near future
direct buy and sell will be enabled when there is enough liquidity in Dino Exchange to get it listed
across other exchanges.
All staked tokens will be based on old functionality of daily claims and then 7 days withdrawal
cycle. Staked token will have a 5% of daily return until 50% of initial investment is recovered and
then later it?ll be changed to UPTO functionality.
UPTO functionality is a profit distribution mechanism deployed to control the pump/ dump &
sudden TVL drop happening due to unforeseen circumstances. All new investors will not be
impacted by this behavior.

ترتيب السوق

في المشهد المتغير والديناميكي للعملات المشفرة، أثبتت DINO نفسها كلاعب قوي. حاليًا، تحتل المرتبة #27,691 في سوق العملات المشفرة بناءً على رأس المال السوقي. يعكس هذا التصنيف الثقة والاعتماد التي يضعها السوق في DINO كأصل رقمي قابل للتداول.

دعم المحفظة

لتخزين رموز DINO الخاصة بك بأمان، يمكنك استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من المحافظ مثل Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. تقدم هذه المحافظ بيئة آمنة لإدارة وتخزين أصولك الرقمية. من الأساسي اختيار محفظة تدعم العملة المشفرة المحددة وتوفر مستوى عالٍ من الأمان، سهولة الاستخدام، والتوافق مع الأجهزة التي تفضلها.



السعر$ 0.00
رأس المال السوقي$ 0
التغير في 24 ساعة (%)+0.00%
العرض الكلي-
العرض الجاري-
تاريخ الإطلاقSeptember 8th 2022, 00:00
تاريخ الإضافةSeptember 13th 2022, 18:00
مدرج بواسطةDINOBUSD

اكتشف العملات الجديدة
