In-Real-Life Use Case: Charity Cause for children-in-need worldwide
Globally, there are millions of children who are greatly suffering from the lack of basic life necessities.
~ Around 16,000 children under five years old die every day.
~ 1.5 million children die from diseases that could have been prevented.
~ 250 million children do not have access to quality education.
As indicated from our project name, Child of ADA (CoADA), we wish to empower the world?s children to be fed, vaccinated, educated & protected through the CoADA project.
As you might already know, ADA (Cardano) has one of the largest communities among all crypto projects. Their vision is aligned with our CoADA project?s vision too. They have the most caring & loving community among all crypto projects. Therefore, we choose to reward 16% ADA automatically to you who believe, invest & hold the CoADA tokens.
Along your journey with CoADA, we envision you profit greatly & contributing to the world?s children at the same time.
? Doxxing developer with a determined heart to raise the quality of life among world?s children
? Identify ADA as your rewards as they share the same vision of CoADA
? Unprecedented volume of marketing to turbo-boost the market cap for your gains & also benefit more children at breakneck speed.
? Raising the awareness of ?saving worldwide?s children? to a whole new level